These Mindset BLOCKS Stop Most Coaches From Making $$$

mindset blocks for coaches

In the past twelve months, I’ve made over $450,000 as a coach.

But back in 2016, I was struggling to get clients.

In fact, I only made $734 my first six months in business, and less than $6000 my first year.

So, what changed? Well, my mindset did.

If you’re ready to make more money, attract more clients, and grow a profitable coaching business…

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In the past 12 months, I’ve made over $450,000 as a coach. But back in 2016, I was struggling to get clients. In fact, I only made $734 my first six months in business and less than $6,000 my first year. So what changed? Well, my mindset did. If you’re a coach who’s ready to make more money, attract more clients, grow a profitable coaching business, keep watching because I’m about to share the seven biggest mindset shifts that helped me do it. Hey, my name’s Jason Moss. I’m a business coach and I’ve helped thousands of coaches around the world launch and grow their businesses. And look, the mindset shifts I’m about to share with you in this video, super important to your success as a coach. But if you’ve ever felt like you’re lacking clarity or guidance on how to get coaching clients, I put together a free client attraction guide that walks through all of my best advice on how to do that.

You can get it completely free by clicking the link above or in the description down below. So when I look back to where I was in 2016 compared to where I am today as a business coach, there’s really seven key mindset shifts that I made that allowed me to go from struggling to get clients to being able to make multiple six figures and attract clients consistently and easily. I’m super excited to share these shifts with you. I think they’re going to make a big difference in your coaching business. So let’s dive in. The first big mindset shift I made is I became more selective. When I look back to 2016 compared to where I am today as a business coach, really one of the biggest things that’s changed is I’ve become much more selective about the kinds of clients that I work with and the kinds of clients that I don’t.

I had a much broader niche when I was in the early days as a coach. And look, if someone would’ve come to me and said, Hey, I’ll pay you to do this thing, I probably would’ve said yes, and there’s some element of that where it’s when you’re starting out, you’re trying to figure out what your lane is. I think it’s good to work with a variety of different people and try to figure out what feels right to you and also who is going to pay you and who’s going to have a good experience working with you. All of that is good, but I see a lot of coaches out there who are trying to be the catchall coach because they have this scarcity mindset around there aren’t enough clients for me, and so I need to try to speak to everyone, and I see their websites and it’s like, I can help you with your relationships and your finances and your health and your mindset, and it’s like because they’re so broad and so unspecific in terms of their messaging and in terms of the transformation that they’re actually helping people with, they don’t really make a deep connection with anyone.

I made this mistake in the past too. This was something that I’ve struggled with in the past. As my business has become more established, I’ve started to really narrow my focus as a business coach. Today, I only work with coaches, and at least at this stage in my journey, I’m only working with coaches who are in the earlier stages of their coaching business. I either launching their business or typically making less than $5,000 a month in their coaching business. So I’ve gotten really clear and specific about who my people are and what I want to be known for in the marketplace. And there are people that come to me all the time who aren’t in that lane that I just turn away that aren’t a good fit. So this is something that’s shifted and changed for me. And I think part of it has been realizing that the more that I narrow the focus, the more that I’m able to make a deeper connection with the right people.

And I have people who reach out to me all the time who say, Jason, the reason why you stood out to me is because I saw your messaging and your emails, and I felt like you were speaking directly to me. And that’s been a direct result of me getting super selective about the kinds of clients I work with and the kinds of clients I don’t. So ultimately, regardless of what stage you’re at in your coaching journey, being more selective and getting super clear on who your ideal clients are and aren’t is such an important key to success, and it’s something I wish I would’ve done earlier on in my coaching journey. The second big mindset shift is I prioritized messy action. I am a recovering perfectionist, and I’ve always struggled with being the person who overthinks things and overanalyzes things. And when I look back to the early stages of my coaching business, I spent so much time trying to get everything right, trying to build out the perfect coaching offer, and trying to get the marketing perfect and the website perfect, and the branding and all this stuff.

I spent so many hours wasting time building things and trying to create this perfect thing before I actually put it down into the world. And what I realized was over time, I’m not very good at figuring out what people are going to respond well to and what they aren’t. There were things that I would work on for months and then I’d share them with my audience, and it was like crickets. And there were other things I threw together in a couple hours that people loved. So there was very little difference between the things that I spent a lot of time on and the things that I didn’t that really influenced how people responded. And so what I started to realize was rather than spending so much time trying to get everything right, it was better to put messy half-baked things out into the world and see how people respond and use that feedback and that guidance from my audience to figure out how I could hone things in and dial in what I was building.

So rather than spending three months building out a coaching offer, I started asking myself the question, well, is there a way that I could just build this in two days? And maybe I don’t need to come up with all the content before I launch this. Maybe I can just go out there and launch it, and once people actually sign up for it, then I can build the content on the fly and the content’s going to be so much better because I’m going to be able to collaborate with the people who are in the program to help build the content out. So I started prioritizing messy action over perfection, and that has made such a huge difference for me in my business. It’s one of the biggest lessons that I learned. It’s allowed me to scale and grow my business so much more quickly, and it’s often one of the biggest pieces of advice that I give to new coaches who are just getting started.

So if you’re a recovering perfectionist like I am, just remember this is not a game of thinking things through. It’s much more a game of you putting things out there, getting more comfortable, being uncomfortable, not having clarity on your niche and saying, okay, I’m going to go out there and just create content and just start. I don’t really know if this is going to be the right lane, but I’ll figure it out along the way and I’ll figure it out through putting those things out into the world, taking that messy action, and I trust that clarity is going to come through taking those next steps. Third big mindset shift I made is I stopped doing it alone. I was a proud DIYer when I started coaching back in 2016, and it took me three years before I hired my first business coach. I had a lot of scarcity around money.

I grew up in a family of bankers, and I was taught to save, save, save, save, save. And the best way to get wealthy is to just stock away every penny. And so the idea of investing thousands of dollars into getting help and mentorship and support didn’t make sense to me. I remember the first time one of my close friends invested $30,000 into hiring a business coach. I thought he was crazy. He’s now running a multimillion dollar coaching business today. That’s a side note. But the truth was I really had this mindset of if I can do it myself, I’m going to do it myself. I don’t need somebody to tell me the way I feel like I’m smart, I’m capable. I can figure things out on my own. I did the research. I watched all the free YouTube videos I could find, and yet I was kind of inching along and working really hard and not really making much progress.

Now, three years into my coaching business, I ended up hiring my first business coach, $2,700. It was the best investment I’ve ever made in my life. I made over the next few years, over a hundred thousand dollars from applying directly what I learned inside that program. And I tell people who are thinking about investing in business coaching today that the truth is you’re paying for it. Either way. You’re going to pay for it if you do it on your own through the time wasted and the mistakes that you’re going to make and the thousands of dollars that you’re going to miss out on through the clients that didn’t hire you because you’re just kind of stumbling through the journey. Or you can get on the fast track and you can recognize that the best way to get to where you want to be is to just bring mentors and people around you who have already created the business that you want so you can model from them.

And this is something that really shifted for me, and I’ve done a lot of work on myself. It was not an easy journey, and sometimes I still have scarcity and things kind of flare up for me, but I’ve invested over $50,000 the last couple of years into hiring mentors and coaches, and there’s no way I would’ve been able to build the business that I have today without their support and help. So really the shift for me was moving from I can do it alone to if there’s someone out there who can help me get their faster, easier, who has knowledge or wisdom or expertise that I can apply to my situation to help me avoid the roadblocks and challenges, then I’m more than willing to exchange my money for that experience and that guidance to help me get to where I want to be. The fourth big mindset shift that I made was I embraced sales.

When I first started coaching, I had this idea of like, I don’t want to be salesy. I don’t want to come off as pushy. And I realized over time that this mindset and this belief number one was completely focused on me. I was so afraid of what other people were going to think of me that I was afraid to show up and tell people what I did. And also that this mindset was actually doing a massive disservice to the people that I was here to serve, that I had knowledge and wisdom and expertise and something that could change somebody else’s life. And in order for that person’s life to be changed, they needed to know about that. And sales was actually this beautiful act of service where I could lay out the path for somebody else to step into an experience that I knew would change their life for the better.

So over time, rather than being so worried about coming off as salesy or pushy or anything like that, what I started shifting into was more of a service-oriented mindset, which is showing up boldly and unapologetically and being direct with people about what I do and how I can help them, so that I can really serve them, so that I can make them aware of something that might really help make their life better. This has been a shift for me. It hasn’t happened overnight, but the truth is, I love sales today. I love getting on the phone with potential clients and selling them on how I can help them and helping them take that leap because it’s how I help people get what they want, and I’m not helping anyone by being timid and on the fence and not talking about what I do. So this shift in mindset huge for so many coaches.

I work with a lot of resistance round sales. We spend a lot of time helping coaches through these challenges inside Coaching Launchpad, which is our flagship program for new and early stage coaches to huge key to success. Just remember, your business is not about you. Your business is about the people that you’re here to serve. And the more that you can focus on them, the more that you can stay grounded in that service oriented mindset, the easier it’s going to be to show up and sell and tell the world about what you do. Fifth big mindset shift is I chose faith over fear. So many times I’ve been faced with this choice in my business, and it comes up in all different ways at all different times. For example, when I’m on the phone with a business coach, I’m thinking about working with and we’re talking through the program and there’s all this fear that’s coming up for me and I’m like, ah, this is going to work for me, and what if it doesn’t work?

And there’s that way of thinking, which is very fear-based. And then there’s the faith-based way of thinking, which is like, you know what I can trust. I can trust that there’s really good people who are out there to help me. Or when I’m thinking about launching a new offer, am I doing it from a place of fear like, oh, if I don’t do this, I’m afraid that I’m not going to meet the rent this month. Or is it more from a place of faith? What do I really want to create? What do I think would be valuable and serve my people? And the truth is, if you really take a closer look at all of the decisions that you make in your life and your business really comes down most of the time to this choice between faith and fear. And so over time, I’ve gotten better at noticing the ways that I kind of fall into fear and get caught in that fear trap, and I’ve gotten better at pulling myself out of it and really grounding back into that faith oriented mindset.

That’s something that’s really served me in my business. The truth is 80 90% of success as a coach is mindset in my coaching business. Number six is I became an advocate for the people I serve. So when I first started coaching, I was afraid of calling out the elephant in the room when I was on a sales call and they were thinking about things in a way that didn’t really serve them or stuck in a pattern of thinking that was keeping them in a situation they no longer wanted to be in. I was afraid of calling those things out because I felt like if I call those things out, it might scare them away. And the truth is, I was more concerned about losing the client than I was about really delivering my most powerful coaching and truly helping them change their life. As my business has grown, I’ve become much more direct with people, and I’ve realized that my number one job is to be an advocate for what people really want.

And sometimes that means calling people out. If I notice, for example, a way that they’re thinking about money, I get on the phone with so many people that are just like, I don’t have the money. And I’m like, of course you don’t have the money. That’s the reason you’re here because you want to make more money as a coach and you need to help and mentorship to help you do that. Whereas initially, I would’ve been much more timid about saying those things. What I realized was, this is what real sales is about. And when you’re rooted in the heart of service and you really care about helping people, you are more than willing to call them out on their bs, and you can be an advocate and you can be really direct with people. And the truth is, people will appreciate it because most of us have very few people in our lives that are actually going to tell us the truth that not going to withhold those things.

So don’t be afraid of calling out those things. Don’t be afraid of being a direct advocate for your people, which sometimes everybody talks about like, oh, I don’t want to be pushy or salesy. Sometimes being direct with people and calling them out is the best way that you can serve them. So this is a real mindset shift that changed for me. This is something that’s really helped in terms of my ability to not just sign clients, but also to really help people change their lives. I became more of an advocate for the people that I’m here to serve. And rather than worrying so much about scaring people away, I asked myself, what is the truth here? And how can I call that out and be as direct and honest as possible with people so that they can get what they want? And number seven is I trusted my ability to deliver.

I hear from so many new coaches who are struggling with imposter syndrome, with self-doubt, with that question of, am I qualified enough to coach other people? And if you’ve ever asked yourself that question, just know that you’re not alone. I hear it all the time from coaches almost every day, and it’s normal to have those thoughts and those things that come up, especially in the earlier stages of your coaching journey. As I’ve grown over time, the thing that’s really shifted for me is number one, I’ve started to trust more in my ability to really deliver for people and also to figure things out if there are challenges or problems, or if somebody’s not happy with something, just trusting in my own ability to do what’s right. I didn’t have as much of that faith and confidence when I first started my coaching business. And I think for most coaches, it’s normal if you haven’t done what you’re trying to do before, you haven’t done it that many times, it’s normal to have those thoughts and those fears, but really grounding into that sense of you’re awesome at what you do.

You have wisdom and knowledge and expertise and experience that other people want that can change their life forever. And just for me, honestly, just doing the work that I do every single day, and in many cases, there’s no way to bypass this. It’s just waking up every day and helping people over time. That has helped me gain that sense of self-trust and help me ground more fully into that sense of, yeah, I actually am really good at what I do. The truth is, it’s harder in the beginning to feel that way, but you can wake up in the morning and say, how would I move through my day as if I was the coach who was running a multi-six figure business who’s helped hundreds of clients? You can do that regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been doing this for 10, 20 years, whatever it is, you don’t have to have the external experience before you create that feeling and that mindset on the inside.

And so we spent a lot of time talking about this inside coaching launchpad with the new coaches that I work with. How can you embody the identity of someone who does believe and trust in their own ability to deliver even before externally? You have evidence of that on the outside. It’s a big key to your success. And that mindset shift has helped me show up so much more confidently in my marketing and how I communicate with my potential clients, and ultimately has made it much more likely that people actually sign up to work with me. If you want more clarity on what to do in your business to actually get high paying coaching clients, I put together a free client attraction guide that walks through all the details. You can get that completely free. Just click the link above or in the description down below. If you love this video, you’re definitely going to love that one. So go click the link on the screen to check that out, and I’ll see it in the next video.

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