How To Price Your Coaching Package In 6 Simple Steps

how to price your coaching package

If you’ve ever wondered what to charge as a coach…

Ensuring that you are pricing your packages based on value and benefits…

And not undercharging or overcharging…

Then click on the video below to watch it now! 👇

If you’ve ever wondered what to charge as a coach, keep watching because this video’s for you and make sure you watch till the end because if you miss out on this advice, you could be leaving thousands of dollars every month on the table. Hey, my name’s Jason Moss. I’m a multi-six-figure business coach and I’ve helped thousands of coaches launch and grow their businesses. And I’m about to share with you a simple six-step process that you can follow to figure out exactly what to charge as a coach. But before we dive in, look, knowing what to charge as a coach, super important when it comes to getting clients. But there are a number of other key pieces you’ve gotta have in place too in order to attract high paying clients consistently. So if you wanna know what those things are, I put together a free client attraction guide that walks through all the details.

You can get that for free by clicking the link above or below to go download that right now. Now before I share with you the six simple steps you can follow in order to figure out exactly what to charge for your coaching, I wanna start by telling you what not to do, , because there’s a lot of mistakes that I see great coaches making when it comes to pricing their offers that result in them leaving thousands of dollars on the table. So with that being said, here are three ways not to price your coaching offer. The first is based on what you think an hour of your time is worth. When a potential client is thinking about working with you, they’re not thinking about what an hour of your time is worth. That’s not the thing that they’re using to decide whether or not to work with you.

What they’re really doing is asking themselves, what is the transformation that this coaching program or offer is going to take me through worth? And how much am I willing to spend in order to create that shift in my life? So when you’re thinking about your time and how much that’s worth and some arbitrary rate that you’ve just decided based on what an hour of your time is worth, you’re actually not thinking about things in the way that your ideal clients are thinking about things. So pricing based on an hour of your time is a great way to leave a lot of money on the table, and it’s just a disconnected way to think about what you actually do. And it’s just not a really great way of thinking about pricing what you do. Second big pricing mistake is charging based on what other coaches out there are charging.

So maybe you’re going out on other people’s websites and trying to figure out, if I’m a health coach, what are other health coaches charging? Let me be competitive. The truth is, you’re not competing on price because even if you are a health coach who does the same thing as other health coaches, there’s no one else out there who is quite like you. And when someone decides to work with you, it’s not just because of what you do, it’s because of who you are. Which means if you do a good job in your marketing, showing people who you are, your values, your personality, bringing that fully to the table, there are gonna be certain people out there who see you. And because of who you are and and how you show up in the world, you’re gonna be the only person that they want to work with.

And when that’s the case, it doesn’t matter what you charge because you’re a singularity. So rather than trying to compete on price and, and be similar to other coaches out there, it’s far better to just ask yourself, what do I wanna charge ? What, what feels right to me? I don’t want you to think about yourself as competing on price. This is not how really high caliber coaches think about what they do. Third big pricing mistake is trying to be the cheapest option. If you try to price your coaching so that it is cheap, if you talk all the time about how affordable your coaching is, if you try to make pricing the cornerstone of your marketing strategy, all you are going to attract is clients who are price shopping and who want the cheapest option and who are gonna push you to lower your prices even more.

Because for that kind of client, there’s no price that’s gonna be low enough. The clients that you really wanna work with, high caliber clients are not price shopping. They’re not looking out there and saying, oh, Martha’s, you know, $200 cheaper than Sarah. I’m gonna go work with Martha. They’re saying, who do I really wanna work with? And I know that, you know, if I see the value here and I see the return on that investment and that’s clear to me and I, I really wanna work with someone, I’ll figure out a way to make it work. This is how really high caliber clients think. So we don’t wanna be competing on price, we don’t wanna be trying to position you as the cheapest or even just positioning pricing as a core feature of your brand. Instead, I’d much rather see you as the premium priced option in your space.

By the way, if this is resonating for you, I would love for you to hit that like button down below and let us know. So now you know the biggest mistakes to avoid when it comes to pricing. Next question you’re probably asking yourself is, well, what, how do I actually price? Like what, how do I actually think about pricing for what I do as a coach? And I wanna invite you into a way of thinking about pricing that might be different from the way that you’ve thought about it in the past. And that’s the idea of value based pricing. So when you price based on value, what you’re really asking yourself is fundamentally, when someone works with me, what is the transformation that they’re going to create in their life as a result of going through the work that I do? So if you’re a health coach who’s helping people lose 20 pounds, that’s your transformation before they start working with you, they’re 20 pounds overweight and they’re experiencing all the pain and the challenges that are a result of that.

And after working with you, they’re 20 pounds lighter and they’re experiencing all the freedom and benefits and the the increased confidence and all of the things that are associated with that. That is a very specific transformation. And regardless of what kind of coaching you do, what you’re really doing is you’re facilitating a transformation. So when you can get clear on what that transformation actually is, then you can step back and say, well, what is that worth to someone? And pricing your coaching based on the value of that transformation, you’re actually on the same side of the table as your ideal clients. When you’re thinking, uh, in terms of value-based pricing, it’s not only that, but when you walk through the six simple steps I’m about to share with you, oftentimes I’ve walked many coaches through this journey, you’re gonna walk away feeling like your prices are too low and you can actually raise your prices and be in integrity around that.

So this is a win-win for everyone. So value-based pricing, super important, very powerful key to success when it comes to pricing your coaching offer. Next question you might be asking is, well, okay, I, I get the idea here, but like, how do I actually apply this? And that’s what I wanna walk through next. So I mentioned earlier we’ve got this six step process. There’s actually six questions that I ask the coaches that I work with, the clients that I work with. When we’re figuring out what to charge for what you do, these six questions are a roadmap for you. And if you can go through these six questions and really journal and brainstorm on them and take some time really getting clear on the answers to these six questions, this is gonna allow you to get to clarity on what the perfect pricing is for you.

So six powerful questions you can ask yourself. I want you to either write these down or pause the video. You can go get a notebook and and fill out the answers to these questions as we go. These questions will change the game for you when it comes to figuring out exactly what to price for what you do. First question, what specific problems are my ideal clients experiencing before working with me? The reason why someone hires you as a coach is because there’s something typically that’s not working in their life, something that’s a problem or a challenge or a pain point. Sometimes it’s multiple problems or challenges or pain points. Maybe if you’re a health coach, it’s because someone’s overweight and they’re feeling isolated and disconnected and they feel like they’re lacking confidence because they’re afraid to show up in their body and they’re just feeling some shame around that.

Maybe those are the problems or challenges that someone’s experiencing. Maybe if you’re a business coach, it’s that someone’s struggling to get clients and they’re not making a lot of money and that’s causing lots of issues in their life. Maybe if you’re a mindset coach, it’s someone’s feeling held back by fear or insecurity, and because of that, they’re not showing up fully in their life and they’re not actually able to build connections and relationships with other people and make friends. There’s so many different problems that might lead somebody to want to work with you. But the first step is you gotta get clear on what those actually are. So if you’re doing this with me live, pause this video, go do some journaling, spend some real time on this, don’t just give me like a two second answer. Get really clear on what those specific problems and challenges actually are.

Number two, what impact are those problems having on every area of their life? If someone’s having a problem or a challenge, it doesn’t just impact the slice of that person’s life where that problem and challenge exists, chances are it probably impacts every area. So I want you to zoom out for a second and ask yourself, okay, if someone’s having this problem, what impacts is that person experiencing from that problem in every dimension of their life? As an example, if you’re a business coach, maybe your ideal clients are people who are struggling to get clients. Well, they’re not making that much money and that’s creating a lot of stress in their relationship at home. ’cause they’re having constant conflict and tension with their partner around finances and they’re not able to take vacations and connect with their sons. So they feel like there’s this kind of relationship gap because they’re working so hard to try to just get clients in the door and nothing’s working and they’re feeling stressed.

So they’re feeling disconnected from their family and they’re not able to spend time with friends. So they feel kind of estranged from their relationships and they’ve gained weight as a result of this. And they’re, they’re experiencing heartburn because of the stress that’s associated with this. So this is just an example of looking at all the different impacts that a specific problem might have on somebody’s life. And this is a great question by the way, to ask on sales calls too. When you can actually connect somebody fully to the impact of what those problems are, having their view and their perspective on their situation will expand and change. And they’ll start to see, wow, like this is actually a big deal. This is something that I really want to address because of all the different ways that this is impacting my life. Number three, if these problems continue, what will this person experience one year, three years, five years plus down the line?

Remember when you help someone, when you work with someone as a coach, you’re not just helping them solve their problems today, you’re also helping them avoid all of the downstream issues and impacts that those problems are gonna cause. If they’re not solved, if this person continues down the path that they’re on, getting clear on what that actually is for your potential clients. Doing some journaling on that. So for example, if you, again, if you’re a business coach, maybe if somebody’s business doesn’t improve and they’re not able to get clients a year down the line, they’re gonna have to go back to a corporate job and end up back in like a nine to five box that they hate. Or maybe all of the stress and the tension on their relationships is gonna lead to a divorce. What are all those negative impacts that someone might be experiencing down the line?

We wanna get really clear on those things. It’s a very powerful question to ask yourself. ’cause remember, when you are coaching someone, you’re helping them avoid these things, the lifetime negative impact that these problems are gonna have if they keep going down the path that they’re on today. Super powerful question to ask yourself. Question number four, how specifically will my client’s lives change for the better after working with me? So after someone works with you, what are all the things that are gonna change for the better? Going back to our health coach example, you’re helping somebody lose 25 pounds. That’s a huge benefit. That’s gonna change for the better. So they’re gonna feel probably more confident in their skin, they’re gonna feel more alive, they’re gonna just feel like more of that sense of vitality in their life. They’re gonna have more energy. These are all the changes that someone might experience for the better as a result of working with you to really get clear on this piece.

’cause this is a big part of what you’re actually helping people achieve through the work that you do. And question number five, what impact are those changes going to have on every area of this person’s life? So similarly to the problems, those positive changes are also gonna have impacts that ripple out. So we could look at, okay, well if, if you’re a health coach, you’re helping people lose weight, well when that person feels like better in their body, their relationship with their partner is probably gonna improve As a result, they’re probably gonna have more intimacy and just feel more connected, uh, because that person’s feeling better about themselves and more open and more available for intimacy, they’re probably gonna feel more confident at work because they feel really good in their skin. So they might get that promotion and they might, you know, uh, just show up in a, in a bigger way.

So people are gonna start paying attention to them and you know, valuing them in a different way because they value themselves in a different way. So we could look at all of these ripple effects that this transformation is gonna have, those positive effects and the impacts that those are gonna have on every dimension of this person’s life. And then the last question is, how will those positive impacts continue to unfold one year, three years, five years plus down the line? Remember, the lifetime positive impact is what you’re helping people achieve. There are things that I learned from coaches that I worked with years ago that still impact me to this day. And we wanna remember this as

coaches because the things that you do with someone in a moment ripple out over the course of their entire life. So what are all the things that are gonna happen down the line?

All of the positive impacts that someone’s gonna experience as a result of working with you? I wanna really get clear on that and zoom out and, and you know, have some fun with this, right? Like, like really look at someone’s whole life and look at what might happen a result of working with you. So if you haven’t already, I want you to spend some time journaling on these questions. ’cause these are really powerful questions will help you get so much clarity. Now, the first thing that’s probably gonna happen after you journal on these is you’re gonna have a moment of like, wow, what I do is really important and now I feel so much more connected to the real value of what I do. That’s gonna change everything. It’s gonna change the way you show up and market yourself online. It’s gonna change your level of certainty when you get on sales calls with people.

When you’re really connected to these things, everything changes. Your marketing and sales is gonna become so much more effective. And the other insight you’re probably gonna have is if you’re already charging for your coaching, you’re probably gonna go, oh crap, I should be charging a lot more for this . This is what often happens for the coaches that I take through this process. So the last step of this process is simply to step back and ask yourself, okay, after going through all those questions, getting that clarity, what is this transformation really worth to someone? If I had to put a number on it, what would that number be? Again, this is a little bit of an art, a little bit of a science. It’s not an exact thing. You just kinda wanna do like a gut check. Like what’s the number? I like to think of pricing almost like a scale.

Like on one side you have what you’re asking for from someone, which is their money, but also their time and their energy and their commitment and all of those other things, the more intangibles. And on the other side you have what? What is this person gonna get in return? And those six questions that we just walked through will help you clarify that piece. And the most important thing is when you get on a sales call with someone, someone feels like what they’re getting in return is more than what they’re being asked to give. That is why anyone chooses to do business with anyone. It’s really simple. It’s just because that scale is tipped towards one direction. And so if as long as your pricing is in alignment with that, as long as it feels like a give in the minds of your ideal clients, they’re gonna wanna do business with you because you’re basically giving them an opportunity to exchange something less valuable for something that’s more valuable.

So super important to remember that when it comes to pricing. Now, I’m not giving you exact numbers and that might be kind of frustrating to some people who are watching this video. But the truth is, depending on your transformation, depending on what you’re actually offering, those numbers vary widely. If you’re a business coach that’s helping larger companies, you can easily charge 20, 30, 40, $50,000 or more for a coaching offer. Versus if you’re a health coach who’s maybe helping someone on the ground floor, maybe a couple thousand dollars makes sense. So it really depends on the transformation that you’re offering and that’s why I’m not giving you exact numbers in this video, but rather a framework and a way of thinking about getting clear on the pricing that’s gonna feel right for you. So hopefully this video gave you some clarity on how to price your coaching package. Remember, pricing is one big key to success when it comes to getting clients, but it’s not the only key. And there are a number of other things you’ve gotta have in place in your business. Otherwise attracting clients, it’s gonna be pretty difficult. So if you wanna know what those other key pieces are as well, I put together a free client attraction guide that walks through all the details, everything you need to have in place in order to start signing 2, 3, 4, or more high paying clients month after month. You can get it completely free.

I’d love to share it with you. Just click the link above or down below to go download that right now. Now before you go, leave a comment down below this video and let me know of everything that we covered in this video, was there one insight or one takeaway that was really impactful for you? One mindset shift that you had around how to think about your pricing? I’d love to hear that down below. Benefit for you is if you actually take the time to write that down, you’re gonna be much more likely to remember it. So go comment down below, let us know. We’ve got so many awesome videos to come on this channel. I cannot wait to share them with you. If you’re a coach who’s wanting help launching or growing your business, getting clients, I recommend you subscribe. We’ve got so much more stuff down the pipeline. And just remember, I believe in you 1000%. You’ve got something so important to share with the world. So I hope you keep showing up. I hope you don’t undercharge for what you do ’cause it’s so important and I’ll see you in the next video.

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