10 Things Successful Coaches Do

Over the past few years, I’ve helped thousands of coaches…

In every niche imaginable, all over the world.

After supporting so many, I’ve started noticing some patterns…

Between the most successful coaches and the coaches who aren’t.

Here are 10 things that separate most successful coaches from others…

1 – Successful Coaches Take Action

They realize they’re never going to feel ready…

And that they won’t feel clear or sure about anything until they start putting themselves out there.

So rather than waiting, second-guessing, or overthinking…

They take massive action and put lots of stuff out into the world before they’re sure they’ve got it all right.

2 – Successful Coaches Don’t Do It Alone

They realize it’s far easier and faster to get to where they want to be with help…

So they hire great mentors and surround themselves with a supportive community who are also doing what they’re doing.

3 – Successful Coaches Focus on the Internal and The External

They realize the life they have today is a reflection of who they are on the inside.

And that to create something different on the outside…

They need to change on the inside too.

So they do the inner work, examine their own limiting beliefs and internal blocks, prioritize personal growth and self-development, as well as self-care and spiritual connection…

Because they know that the outside won’t change until the inside does.

4 – Successful Coaches Take 100% Responsibility

They don’t blame the algorithm, the economy, the market for their lack of results…

They take full accountability for what they have and don’t have…

And realize that nobody’s holding them back but them.

They focus on the things they can control…

Rather than giving their power away to outside forces and complaining about things they can’t change.

5 – Successful Coaches Prioritize Business Skills

They realize becoming successful isn’t just about being a great coach…

But learning to become a great business owner too.

They invest into developing their skills in all areas…

Not just coaching, but marketing, selling, and running a business too.

6 – Successful Coaches Embrace Social Media

They don’t sit around all day talking about how much they hate Instagram.

They recognize the power of these platforms to connect with their potential clients…

Set aside their own negative thoughts and beliefs…

And use these platforms to help them reach their goals.

7 – Successful Coaches Have Healthy Money Beliefs

They realize that making money and serving others can coexist together.

They heal the shame they have around their desire to make more money…

They actively examine their own limiting money beliefs, and shift those to a more empowering perspective.

8 – Successful Coaches Are Consistent

They keep showing up, even when things get tough.

They recognize that growing a business takes time, that it isn’t easy…

And they don’t just show up when they “feel like it” – but prioritize putting their butt in the seat, creating content, doing the things they know will move their business forward.

9 – Successful Coaches Trust Themselves

They leverage mentorship to gain perspective…

Not to absolve them of their own ownership and self-responsibility for their business.

They trust themselves and their intuition above all else, and don’t seek for everything they do to be validated by a coach or mentor…

If a piece of advice a mentor gives them conflicts with what they know to be true…

They trust themselves.

10 – Successful Coaches Practice

They are constantly self-reflective, examining what they’re doing, asking themselves what’s working and what isn’t, trying to improve what they do every day…

Over time, they get better at everything…

Because they prioritize trying to do what they do better, every day.

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